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Need to set up your BMT admin? We can help!
If you forgot your username or password or need to create a user account, contact your group's BMT administrator.
Having Issues Signing In?
Having trouble signing in with your username and/or password? There could be several reasons you may be getting the "name not found" or "account is locked" error message. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you are having trouble signing in to your account:
©Arizona Dental Insurance Service, Inc. dba Delta Dental of Arizona.
Delta Dental of Arizona is a part of Delta Dental Plans Association. Through our national network of Delta Dental companies, we offer dental coverage in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories.
Information provided on this site is for general education purposes only and is not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or a substitute for professional medical or dental advice, diagnosis or treatment. For even more oral health information, check out the Protect My Smile library on the Delta Dental Plans Association website.