Managing Employee Time Off Requests Overview
Note: The topics in this section document the time off feature that is part of Time & Attendance pages. If your company is configured so that various menu items relating to time off appear on the Time & Attendance drop-down menu in ADP Workforce Now, you should not use the Time Off Request features described in this Help system. See the Help for the HR & Benefits module instead.
If the Time & Attendance module Time Off Requests feature is enabled for your company, employees and managers can use it to record and track requests for planned time off. Employees can use the Time & Attendance module to submit requests for planned time off. Using this feature, employees can request time off for up to 30 dates in one request. The dates of the requested time off can extend up to one year in the future, but they cannot include the date on which the request is made, and they cannot overlap existing non-worked schedules.
After an employee submits a time off request, the person designated by your company to review that employee's time off requests receives an Inbox message notifying him or her of the request. This designated "primary reviewer" is usually the requesting employee's immediate manager, although some companies may choose to have a single individual called a "global reviewer" review all requests made by all employees. Even in companies where managers fill the role of the primary reviewer, a global reviewer must be designated. This person must be a practitioner user with access to all security groups. The global reviewer can view and act upon requests from any employee at any time, but is usually only called upon to do this when an employee's direct manager cannot or does not act on a request.
A reviewer, whether primary or global, can approve, partially approve, or deny requests. If a request is approved, the requested non-worked hours are automatically applied to the requesting employee's schedule. If a request is partially approved, the requester must accept the partial approval before the approved portion will be applied to his or her schedule.
Any hours applied to an employee's schedule as a result of a time off request will be displayed on the Schedules page, the Group Labor page, and the Monthly Schedule displayed in the Employee role, and on the Schedules page displayed in the Manager role, where they will be marked with a green diamond icon (). In the Practitioner role, the schedules can be viewed on the Monthly Schedule page accessed from the Timecard Manager. Schedules that are created automatically as a result of approved or partially approved and accepted time off requests cannot be edited from the Schedules page displayed in the Manager role or the Edit Schedule pagesin the Manager role and the Practitioner role. They also cannot be overridden by other schedules or imports. If changes are necessary to a schedule created by a time off request, the request must be canceled.
When non-worked schedules are applied to an employee's schedule as the result of an approved or partially approved time off request, the new non-worked schedules supersede any existing worked schedules. Even if the approved non-worked time overlaps only a portion of a worked schedule, the worked schedule will be entirely suppressed. If an employee is expected to work the non-overlapped portion of a regular work schedule, a worked schedule will need to be manually created for that period of time. If an approved and scheduled time off request is later canceled, the non-worked schedules are deleted and any previously existing worked schedules are restored.
If you are the designated primary reviewer for employees you supervise, or for your whole company, you will receive an automated message in your Inbox each time one of your employees creates or cancels a request and each time you approve, partially approve, or deny a request. You will also receive a message when a requester, a reviewer, or any manager or practitioner with the appropriate security group access cancels a time off request. Depending upon your company's configuration and your own Inbox preferences, you may receive these time off request messages by e-mail as well as in your Inbox. (For more information about Inbox messages, see Viewing Automated Messages.) Requesters also receive Inbox messages each time the status of their requests change.
Because managers usually fill the role of primary manager, all time off request reviewing tasks can be performed in either the Manager role and the Practitioner role. For instructions on managing employee time off requests from the Manager role, see Managing Employee Time Off Requests (Managers). The following topics provide instructions for managing time off requests from the Practitioner role:
Notes: The Time Off Requests feature must be enabled and configured by an ADP Time & Attendance Representative before time off requests can be created. It is possible to configure the feature so that only the members of specific pay groups can use it and so that requested time off can only be charged to certain non-worked earnings codes (such as Vacation).
Time off requests can be initiated by managers and practitioners as well as by employees who are not managers or practitioners. The terms "employee" and "requester" are used to refer to an individual of any user type who creates a time off request from the Employee role. For information on how to create, edit, and view time off requests in the Employee role, and how to respond to partially approved requests, see Requesting Time Off Overview (Employee).
ADP Workforce Now™ Time & Attendance Module Help v.11.18.33 - Copyright © 2000 - 2016 ADP, LLC All rights reserved.